Hi, Arveno here. In this content i want to share game that i found out from my friend blog @ramadhanight. This game is one of the @arcadecolony games called Moon Karts. If you want to check it you can click on the link. Lets know this game further. But, FYI, i still learning about this game and not yet decided to play it or not since truthfully i still dont know how to buy the part and the function the part too. I still need to read more and understand more. But, lets see what i got from the whitepaper of this game.
This is the trailer for this game, after watching this trailer i feel like bring back memories. I was once like playing Playstation 1 games called Crash Bandicoot Team Racing. If you are born in late 1980, i think you will remembered that game right? Thats why i said like this game is really similar. But what makes different is Moon Karts is more complex since it combination between Racing and Cards games. Thats will make this game more challenging and not boring.
From what i seen in Whitepaper, this game need car card,parts card,and driver card. But, back again i still dont quite understand about this game and i am still learning about this game. But, by looking in the picture above. I believe it will divided about these 3 parts. And as usual on TCG games, they will having rarity. And the legend or ultimate rarity will the best one and the hardest one to get. And because this game in web3 gaming, of course it will the expensive ones. So, after i read in Moon Karts Introduction, i have conclusion that the MC or ourself stats divided by 4.
- Health: Determines how much damage your kart can take before breaking down for a short period of time.
- Speed: Determines the top speed you can achieve in any given race.
- Handling: Determines how well you can navigate turns.
- Acceleration: Determines how quickly you can reach your top speed.
And this game is decided by fuel, fuel will recharge and if we race we consume the fuel. Then we can get rewards from winning the race by 50% of the total racer. So if total racer are 6 we are winning when reaching top 1 till 3.
And the price rewards is Colony token. Which is pretty good.
Yeah this gameplay kinda similar with CTR in PS1 that i played long time ago. But hey that something different
There are Karts and Parts that we need to know, so the karts is depended from what rarity the card is, and same with the parts too. The higher rarity will make the health,speed,handling,and acceleration higher.
And like what i said, the driver having different ability each character. you can check here
Then this is the part that similar with CTR, Moon Karts have some power ups card. That is Lunar Glide (Leaking oil that will make the other player slips after other player passing this oil). Then Celestial Thrust (Gained momentum speed in short time, maybe it like NOS in Need for Speed),Moonfire Missile (Can locking other player and launching missiles and damaging the karts),Cosmic Disruptor ( This like barried that if other people close to us it will get damaged and make lose control of the karts and slowing down),Lunar Bolt (Will make the target temporarily disable to race) and the last is Lunar Barrier (This power ups will make our karts invincible in short time)
And then the cards in this game is similar with Splinterlands game, we need combine the card with same rarities to unlocking the ability of each parts.
So, after seeing this explanation. What will i do??
Am i want to play this game?
Since this game is not Free2Play game.
Ummm, okay lets see how much price for the pack
Okay 1 pack need 5 script and how much in hive
And it needs around 7 Hive for 1 pack. And shoot, i still dont have liquid hive for this pack.
So, my strategy right now is learning how this game and what i need to buy and have for racing and at least can win the race. Dont care if i reach top 3 but at least i need to get the reward pool first. So i can calculate it later. And i need to comparing between buying pack or buying parts,karts,and driver separately, and which one is better for me to get the economic right.
But deep down in my heart, i want to play this game. Really, this game woking up my inner child. I still remember i play CTR when i am sick at that time. And when i am holiday at that time. And i want to repeat what i feel again. And if this tokenomics of the game is really good, i will play this definately. So, i believe my passive income will reaching more than 7 Hive next week. So i need to be patient and while waiting i will learning this game. And see you in the next week, Hopefully i will starting to play this game and wait for me to join this game