
Splinterlands - Community Engagement Challenge - A Battle I Would Like To Share

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3 min read



Recently, I decided to try X Premium and in 5 days, I could get closer to 400 verified followers and another great thing happened to me yesterday, I made a post about MoonKarts on ArcadeColony and I have been showered with votes from some big whales and these 2 things have brightened up my week just on a Monday itself!!!

While my feet are still on the ground, these are the things I feel happy sharing about and I know I am not gonna get such huge support on every blog I write, but those moments will be cherishing for longer period.

Here I share a battle for this week's Community Engagement Challenge as this week's theme is Tutorials and Tips about the community and me, being a battle player, I always like to share some battle with strategy and lineup details.


Battle and Lineup:


The battle I am sharing, had 48 MANA cap with 3 rule sets enrage, close range and new rule set of need for speed and as I do, I selected dragon splinter with my lineup as below and I should remind you, my opponent too used dragon splinter but a different summoner.

The monsters I used were from Earth splinter in combination with Dragon splinter monsters as I share below.


1. Pelacor Mercenary:


This is my front monster which I keep using for the self healing tank with retaliate ability and enrage will make it more dangerous to be in front position and with Agor Longtail in my lineup, this guy will be less pressurized with attacks from enemy.

2. Fungus Flinger:


Used this for martyr and blindfold abilities and it is also with afflict ability and it will give useful 2 ranged attack for the 3 MANA cost I have to spend.

3. Dragon Egg Forager:


I think this is a great replacement in modern format with that of the original Earth splinter opportunity monster of Screeching Vulture which is still my favorite for the cost of 3.

The best thing is, it is also a scavenger ability monster and keeps reinforcing it's health with each monster's removal.

4. Chaos Dragon:


Chaos Dragon and Agor Longtail are real battle winners for me many a times because of their versatile abilities.

While Chaos Dragon is a scatter shot blast ability magic attack monster with 4+2+2 as max attack based on it's attack.

5. Agor Longtail:


Last One on my lineup is the Agor Longtail, my level 3 taunt ability self healing tank which is with dual attack types and what else!! it's a flying monster and also has void magic ability too.

It's 14 health I think is One of the max among all the monsters we have.


That's how I battled with that lineup and the strategy of taunting the monsters and let Pelacor Mercenary and other concentrate on front monster and Chaos Dragon keep hitting 2 or 3 monsters with it's scatter shot.

Let me share few screenshots from the battle.











So, the combination of taunt, scatter shot, healing tank and even the scavenger ability monster were all combined to get this win for me and even though opponent too used taunt ability monster, Agor Longtail was far better compared to the One from opponent.

That's all I would like to write in this One, have a great Monday.

Thanks and Have a good day :)

P.S: All the images used are property of the respective communities or my own unless explicitly sourced.


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(Image from thread)

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