Hell Pie
Today I'm giving away Hell Pie. A obscene comedy platformer in the style of Mario but for grown ups. You need to expect blood, gore and sexual references if you are to play this. Not for the faint of heart. It looks like a lot of fun but I have to many games in my backlog already, so no need for this one to collect dust with all the others. Better it go to the community so someone can enjoy it for what it's worth.
Steam describes the game like this:
Hell Pie is an obscene 3D platformer that takes bad taste to the next level! The game sees you grab the horns of Nate, the ‘Demon of Bad Taste’. He is given the honorable task of gathering the disgusting ingredients for Satan’s infamous birthday pie. To do so, Nate must venture out into the overworld and do whatever it takes to ensure those ingredients are secured in time, or there’ll be hell to pay!
Game link
Game value: $16.54
Platform: GoG PC
To enter this giveaway...
...requires little effort.
Make a comment on this post saying "I enter the giveaway" while also telling me why you want to win the game.
When the countdown is over I'll take a look at your account. As long as you've contributed to the Hive Gaming community in the way of posting and/or engaging with other peoples posts in the last month you're in the draw. If you feel like your activity level is low then fear not. It's not to late to start today. I post game giveaways every week that you can join.
The giveaway will end on the 9th of October at which I will make a random draw. The winner will have to contact me on Discord to receive the key. The key expires on the 17th of January and will have to be redeemed before this.
All images in this post belong to the developer and publisher of the game Sluggerfly and Headup.