
Moonkarts Game on ArcadeColony - My First Experience Of The Game

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4 min read

Hi Friends,



You know me as a Splinterlands game player and I have recently started playing dCity as well, but yesterday, I just got to explore the MoonKarts game on the ArcadeColony for the First time as I don't get much time after playing the First 2 games I mentioned, but MoonKarts is just something I explored and I am going to write my experience and the steps I followed thru the screenshots I captured.



Yes, that is what the excerpts from the game's whitepaper available on the website with link provided as a source.

So, it is the 3D version of kart racing and it is on this blockchain on Hive and just like Splinterlands, it's a Play to earn game. The game also allows players to have fun, earn Crypto and also use the rewards to upgrade the characters to have better playing experience.




Let me start with explaining how I explored this game and what was the First thing that I did to get into the game. The game is as I said, a play 2 earn game and needs card packs to be purchased before we start playing as there are 2 main things in the game which needs to be selected like Karts and Drivers which are the basic things for the game part from other aspects which I will explain as get further into the game may be in another blog.

But for now, just we need to explore on Karts and Drivers which are the different cards available in the packs we need to purchase as a First thing.

So, I just purchased 3 packs for 15K credits which are the tokens required to be purchased for buying packs and I spent about 28 Hive for purchasing the 15K Credits.




The packs are known as Centauri and each will cost 5K Credits and so, the 3 packs for 15K credits and each pack will contain 5 cards which can be characters of Karts or Drivers or some other item as I still need to explore further on those.

As the screenshot shows, we can even buy these packs on Hive Engine it seems and I haven't checked on that yet, will explore that as well in the days to come.




So, once we purchase the packs, we can open those from the game screen, there will be option to open the packs as I share above.

Before open the packs, we need to consider about the boosts we can use for opening the packs to have better luck to get gold foiled or legendary cards. There are 2 types of boosters or what we call here as fluxes like legendary flux and gold lux which will increase the chances of getting a gold foiled card or legendary cards.




So, these are what I got from those 3 packs with 15 cards in total.

Those with human pictures are the ones from drivers, those with karts are for karts as the picture suggests.

Apart from those, we can see some wheel related ones and 1 body reinforcement one and few related to upgrades for tire and engine.

There is One related to cosmic disrupter which I could see that, it is for boosting the speed while playing the game and frankly speaking, there is so much to explore and will take some time for me once I can get hold of everything like I do for Splinterlands now!!!




This brings us to the final part and the most exciting and intended part of the game, yes, the play!!!

We just need to select a kart like we select cars in normal car race games, but in most of the games, we don't select the driver as it will be by default the person who plays the game.

But, here there is an option to select the driver too and that means, each driver will have different options may be with regards to speed at which they drive, their experience level and all and I will explain on this in another blog.

For now, I understand that, it's the kart and driver which are basic and mandatory things to be selected from the cards we have and just click on that start race button to go thru the roads and on the way, we can collect some collectibles.

Wow!!! that is what I have explored so far, I know there will be different requirement for earning from this game and I will definitely explore on that in couple of days and will come up with further details.

Thanks, that's it for now, have a great Sunday and a great week ahead :)


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