Holo future healers!
Today we're going to reveal a few new normal-type creatures that are joining the roster. As usual, these will be capturable aside from the 4 starters you'll only be able to find in our vials! Since our last post 2 weeks ago we've sold over 1100 Alpha Vials! The price of Hive has recovered a little as well making us stress a little less over funding, let's see it continue!
Our founder @acidyo posted a short update earlier today in case you haven't read it yet and is hosting a giveaway for 3x Alpha Vials that you can still participate in!
Let's take a look at the new achievement first, although this was implemented over a week ago and many of you have already claimed it, we wanted to wait with announcing until we had more stuff to show all of you!
For those of you who've registered with @holozing for over a year ago, you can now claim the 1st birthday soulbound achievement on our website!
This achievement will have a bit similar but slightly higher weight as the 2023 advent calendar one since it's easier to get compared to the Referral and Contributor achievements. It'll also come in 4 tiers (for now) and as you correctly guessed, it'll be unlocked first as registered users celebrate their 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of being registered with us, hopefully with a lot more achievements and progression in the game by then!
Now let's get to the reveals, today we have 3 different normal-type creatures to reveal to you all!
Apart from Chirple and Chirpily and some of the dragon evolutions, we figured we needed more flying-type creatures, so naturally something as epic and majestic as a Falcon would be cool to have on our roster!
Its first evolution comes as a cute little puffy falcon! Don't let the cuteness distract you however as it already has some very sharp and big claws for its size to do some damage to enemies who dare come close to it. Due to its small size, it is also not easy to hit and is quite fast!
Fal's evolution into Fally gives it much larger wings so it can learn bigger and more damaging flying type moves, its facial visor also improves its hit chance on enemies drastically as falcons are known to see enemies from miles away in great detail! This line of creatures will definitely put a dent in the healers' mana when encountered!
Fally comes with a final evolution into a majestic falcon called Falcor, we created two different versions for this one to point out how large the wings really get. This creature will be able to learn some of the top tier moves for flying type creatures to turn the battle-field into a small-scale windstorm. From lowering enemies hit chance, to having a high hit chance itself and being able to fly high up in the air to land big scratch and cut damaging abilities it will be one of the peak predators of the flying-type creatures.
That's it for today, let us know what you think of our newest flying type, who may not say as many words as Chirple and Chirpily but definitely say a lot with its terrifying eyes!
How would you like their radiant versions to look like? 👀