
Preparing delicious spaghetti with tomato and olive sauce.[Esp-Eng]

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3 min read

¡Hola comunidad!

Hello community!

Happy and blessed start of the week, a pleasure to share once again with you, today I bring you a recipe that I prepare very often at home is a spaghetti with chicken, tomato sauce and olives ideal for lunch is a quick and easy dish to prepare is delicious and very nutritious here I leave the step by step of this simple recipe.




  • 1/2 pechuga
  • 200 gramos de espagueti
  • 1 cebolla
  • 1 pimiento
  • Aceitunas
  • 1 zanahoria
  • Salsa de tomate
  • 3 dientes de ajo
  • Orégano
  • Sal y pimienta al gusto
  • 1/2 breast
  • 200 grams of spaghetti
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bell pepper
  • Olives
  • 1 carrot
  • Tomato sauce
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Oregano
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Para preparar este plato lo primero que haremos es cortar el pollo en cubos y aderezamos con sal y pimienta dejamos reposar.

To prepare this dish the first thing to do is to cut the chicken into cubes and season with salt and pepper and let it rest.


Then we prepare the pasta in a pot we put enough oil to boil put the spaghetti and salt cook until it is al dente strain and set aside.


In a pot or pan put a little oil and cook the chicken until golden brown on both sides, then add the onion chopped into small squares and add the garlic and bell pepper and sauté for 2 minutes.


Add the grated carrot, the olives cut into rounds, stir, add the tomato sauce and a little water or vegetable or chicken broth, cook for a few minutes, add the oregano, cook for a couple of minutes and finally add the spaghetti, stir so that it gets the flavor and remove from the heat.


Once our spaghetti is ready, we serve it hot and we can add cheese of our preference to enjoy a nutritious and balanced dish.


This has been my recipe for today, I hope you like it until next time and many blessings.

Fotos de mi propiedad
Editor utilizado GridArt
Traducido con Traductor DeepL

Photos of my property
Publisher used GridArt
Translated with Translator DeepL
