Quisiera ser el río
que llega a tu mar
y entre tanta agua
nos uniéramos
con tu sal de mar
y yo con mitorrente
de agua cristalina
endulzaría tus profundidades.
En mi turbulencia
entraría repentinemente
en tu sereno oleaje
y fluiría como fuente
entre tus corrientes frías
y me facinaría con tu belleza
entre montes de corales.
Río y mar
mar y río
dos cuerpos
uno salado
y otro sin sabor
uno calma la sed
el otro sana las heridas
entre río y mar
fluye la vida
cada quien con su corriente
y las olas que rompen los peñascos
y esos inmensos acantilados.
I would like to be the river
that reaches your sea
and amidst so much water
we would unite
with your sea salt
and I with my torrent
of crystalline water
would sweeten your depths.
In my turbulence
I would suddenly enter
into your calm waves
and I would flow like a fountain
among your cold currents
and I would be fascinated by your beauty
among mountains of corals.
River and sea
sea and river
two bodies
one salty
and the other tasteless
one quenches thirst
the other heals wounds
between river and sea
life flows
each one with its current
and the waves that break the rocks
and those immense cliffs.