
Some sporadic shots.

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Why not? Let me show you some beauties.

The grapes are growing now in summer, and I love to see how neat this vineyard is kept.

Before you ask, sporadic in this case, is to take instant shots at whatever you see. The days are now hot, and all of the mating and nesting of the birds was over. I do occasionally get some shots of the youngsters, but they are all fast growers, and now in another week's time they will all be adults. Thankfully I have posted some of the babies recently, and in another 2 months we will prepare for the autumn (Fall) season.

We love all of the seasons, as each has its own character. Thankfully, our winters are warm, and snow can only be found further inland on the high mountain peaks. South African weather is nothing like European weather, as we hardly ever get temperatures below zero. In fact, 2024 was recorded as the hottest year worldwide. Some areas here reached up to 40 degrees Celsius and just imagine how hot it gets inside a vehicle when one travels around.

The striped dog in the back of this truck was peeping at us. :)

Here is a closer look at the mountain in the first picture.

And a junior cloud grabbed a quick rest on one of the mountain's peaks.

Look carefully, as you will see a starling bird sitting on the cheetah's head.

Finally, I heard a strange call and look what I found. It is a young Amathyst sunbird (Chalcomitra amethystina). I will show you more about this youngster in another post.

We can only visit wine estates and farms that are close to us at the moment, as my wife has to mark student submissions during the festive season, and long trips will waste too much of her time. But as soon as she is done, we will visit some historical seaside towns along the coast. Lately, one has to have extra eyes in our heads as we have a lot of accidents on the roads here, so it is best to travel out of season when the risk factor is much lower.

Talking about risk, we also face some serious cybercrime issues lately and social media accounts are being hijacked. Not only that, but scammers clear out the bank accounts of the public with phishing attacks. It was for this reason that we had to close most of our accounts.
Such is life.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All-Rights-Reserved.

Note: Please don't share any of my posts and photos on any other social media sites without my permission.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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