
#40 Holozing Fanart: When it crackles and sparks fly... Wenn es knistert und der Funke überspringt... (ENG/ DE)

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Hello dear Hive Community and Holozing Fans,

Today I present to you a girly, feminine version of our popular light healer.

I wanted to show her in a different outfit, but the outfit should still have some details from the original.

I thought it would be funny with a character who has control over light and lightning/thunder, because in German you like to say something like: “the spark jumps over.” or “It sparked!” or “being on the same wavelength.” or “There is a certain tension in the air...” all these things mean that “the chemistry between two people is right.” oh dear, now I'm just talking in idioms... Sorry. My inner german nerd had to come out....

Basically, it just shows our Light Healer in love. 🥰 And all dressed up for her beloved. ♥️

I'd better show you my Holozing fanart for today.

holozing female light healer variation - in love thumbnail.jpg

Hallo liebe Kunst Crew, Hive Gemeinde und Holozing Fans,

Heute präsentiere ich euch eine mädchenhafte, weibliche Variante von unserem beliebten light healer.

Ich wollte sie einmal in einem anderen Outfit zeigen, trotzdem sollte das Outfit manche Details von dem Originalem haben.

Ich dachte mir, bei einem Charakter welcher die Kontrolle über Licht und Blitz/ Donner hat, wäre es lustig, da man auf deutsch gern sowas sagt wie:"der Funke springt über." oder "Es hat gefunkt!" oder "auf einer Wellenlänge liegen." oder "Es liegt eine gewisse Spannung in der Luft..." alle diese Dinge bedeuten das "die Chemie zwischen zwei Personen stimmt." ach herrje, jetzt rede ich nur noch in Redewendungen... Verzeiht.

Im Grunde zeigt es unsere Licht Heilerin einfach verliebt. 🥰 Und zurecht gemacht für ihren Liebsten. ♥️

Ich zeige mal lieber meine heutige Holozing Fanart.

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holozing female light healer variation - in love 1.jpg

My sketching was more or less simple. The final details I added at the end. I first wanted to check out if my drawing will turn out like I wished.

Meine Skizze war mehr oder weniger einfach. Die abschließenden Details habe ich am Ende hinzugefügt. Ich wollte zuerst mal schauen, ob meine Zeichnung so wird, wie ich es mir gewünscht habe.

holozing female light healer variation - in love 2.jpg

Then I started coloring. Yes, blue eyes first. I used a copy of a layer for some parts (in this case the eyes had their own layer) and changed the effect so that I could create a bright yellow color through several.

Dann fing ich mit dem ausmalen an. Ja, zuerst blauen Augen. Ich habe für einige Teile eine Kopie einer Ebene verwendet (in diesem Fall hatten die Augen eine eigene Ebene) und den Effekt gewechselt, sodass ich eine strahlende gbe Farbe durch mehrere erzeugen konnte.

holozing female light healer variation - in love 3.jpg

Coloring the character. Blending including.

Ausmalen der Figur. Blending eingeschlossen.

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But why this hair color now? My idea was to have 3 different hair colors mixed intoneach other. So basic color was that.

Aber warum jetzt diese Haarfarbe? Meine Idee war, 3 verschiedene Haarfarben ineinander gemischt zu haben. Das war also die Grundfarbe.

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Now the background and some gentle lighting effects.

Nun der Hintergrund und ein paar sanfte Lichteffekte.

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Finally time for the finer details.

Endlich Zeit für die feinen Details.

holozing female light healer variation - in love 7.jpg

I wanted to create a girlish situation. My idea was that she has been invited to a ball or a fancy event and wanted to go there with her new love and crush. Hence the lascivious look on her face.

Ich wollte eine mädchenhafte Situation schaffen. Meine Vorstellung war, dass sie zu einem Ball oder feinem Event eingeladen wurde und mit ihrer neuen Liebe und Schwarm dorthingehen will. Daher auch der laszive Blick ihrerseits.

holozing female light healer variation - in love 8.jpg

Some variations for the gif.

ein paar Varianten für das gif.

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holozing female light healer variation - in love.png

My finished variation of a female light healer with whom the spark was lit... We would say on german 😉

Meine fertige Version einer weiblichen Light Healer(-in 🤣), bei welcher der Funke übergesprungen ist.

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My GIF creation 👇🏼

holozing female light healer variation - in love gif.gif

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the original

original holozing light healer female.jpeg

surrealworld trenn barren dünn.png

Check out the Holozing's website

  • Check out the @holozing page for all original characters ❤️

credits to the creators of it ❤️ Greetings to the @holozing @zingcontent @kstreet @Acidyo and @craizuss Holozing teams, you are doing an amazing job. Thanks for that.

source of the original images/ Quelle der original Bilders

Holozing's Website/ Holozing's Webseite

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  • digitale Zeichnung/ digital drawing
  • erstellt auf meinem Huawei Matepad 10.4/ created on my Huawei Matepad 10.4
  • verwendete Anwendung war die Applikation "Ibispaint X" / the App I used was "Ibispaint X"
  • Dauer der Fertigstellung ~ 7 Stunden 20 Minuten/ duration of completion ~ 7 hours 20 minutes

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last but not least/ zu guter letzt

To translate some of my german native words I used After I edited and corrected some parts because couldn't translate all slang words perfectly. Just wanted to make this clear too.

I'm looking forward to read your opinion and have a nice week everyone. See you soon.

Ich bin auf eure Meinung gespannt und eine schöne Woche allen noch. Ich lese euch ganz bald wieder. Bis dahin, Baba.

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Some advertising on my own behalf, if you want to check out my designs and stuff ❤️

Bisl Werbung in eigener Sache, wer möchte kann gerne mal meine Designs und so abchecken ❤️

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Cats Surrealworld Redbubble Art Store
Let's go and scroll through my Redbubble store. Get your decorations from here. No matter if you need a pillow or art canvas, a curtain for the bath or a coffee mug. If you like my art, maybe there's something for you to get.

Cats Surrealworld Threadless Art Store
Yes, my second store is on Threadless. They have different products and Prices, and to give you the best possibilities of ordering my Art designs, I use more online provider. No matter if you need a thermo mug or art design for the wall, clothes a cap. If you like my art, maybe there's something for you to get, feel free to check it out.

Cats Surrealworld Threadless Profil
Threadless has also kind of Profiles aka accounts, where artists can follow each other or where their fan base can follow. So if you like, if you have also a Threadless account, follow me also there, ❤️ and leave a comment with a link of your Threadless profile so I can follow back. 🙏🏼

Cats Surrealworld on is a kind of Linktree, and there you will find all my upcoming stores (planning redbubble and displate too. It's under process of proof), my online Yoga offerings (calendar to book a yoga lesson with me) and free spiritual books to download I upload there from time to time. So you don't habe to search in the internet, maybe I have already uploaded it. I am planning a big free online library, where you find interesting books and where you are able to download it for free. ✨

Your / Eure