Hello Gamers, how are you? I hope you had a great weekend. During this time, I had the opportunity to try out new games and among them one of the games I enjoyed the most and plan to play for a while was Dakar's Desert Rally. I had been wanting to download it from the library for a while, since it was a gift from Epic Games but I hadn't had the space or time to download it, it weighs about 70 GB.
After downloading it, I decided to try it out, I put the PC to burn and play. I've always liked racing titles, not just traditional series like NFS, GT or of course the great classic DAYTONA! (since you played it a lot on the arcade machines) However, the evolution of racing games has not been modest at all and just like these games other great titles have emerged including DRIFT and its 4 series or Forza Motor Sport another great title, and let me tell you that although this game is not very well known it has enough body to stand up to the player and offer more than just racing.
Unlike shooters, the realism included in racing games seems very entertaining to me, I always liked GT a lot that in a way NFS lost, Dakar's takes up realism based on Rally competitions and has done it with everything. The graphic section would be the first, it is incredibly well designed, not only the environment but the vehicles, very well optimized offering in its options the latest video technologies so that the game looks really spectacular, at 1920x1080 and everything full it looks simply incredible. But as you know, the graphics are not everything, despite looking like that, the gameplay of the game is not far behind.
The vehicles have different degrees of handling and control that are very well designed, offering a different driving sensation for each of them. We will have cars, motorcycles, 4-wheeled vehicles and more monstrous roads to travel through the desert. We will need to be aware of the performance of our car, its parts and others that we will have to repair along the way, due to the crashes, potholes and other vicissitudes that we find during the competition.
Adding to this, understanding the track will be key, since these are Rally races, we must be aware of all the instructions given to us by the co-pilot or the team if we are driving motorcycles. In these keys we will be able to discover the terrain, the curves and possible dangers that we find during the competition.
The game offers us three game modes at first, which will allow us to enjoy a fast, competitive and realistic mode. In the latter, we will be subjected to the conditions of a real driver's Rally, where we will have to read the road books, discover the track and all by ourselves without any kind of indications. This is the realistic simulation mode where the game has tried to offer the player the most realistic experience possible from the PC. In the other modes we can enjoy competing and making the story without so much fuss, we can compete online, in a ranking system that I have not yet unlocked, but that looks very entertaining.
The dynamics of the races are fast, full of action and speed, it will be very easy to get lost, be overtaken or crash, as perhaps understanding that you are racing by time and not by position will be complicated, we always have the habit of coming first, but in this case, the first place will not be given by the time of progress on the track and not the position in which we are.
Darkar's Desert Rally is undoubtedly a racing game focused on a style but full of dynamism, different vehicles, adrenaline and speed. As a driver, you will not only be able to progress in your ascent, but you will also be able to modify all the vehicles available to you in order to face the different challenges that the game offers. If you like racing, I recommend it 100%, an entertaining, relaxing drive in an immense desert full of surprises. See you in a next post.