
Rez Infinite on PS5: I don't know who this kind of game is for, but it aint me

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While the search goes on for a game that is truly going to hold my interest for a long period of time the old game of having a look at all the games in the PS-Plus catalog continues. This time it landed me on something that I knew nothing about, didn't even watch a trailer for, and just went into it blind. After an hour or so I can't really say what this game is actually about, who the target audience is, or what the heck you are actually meant to be or what you are doing in it. That was the first and probably only time I will ever play that game.

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I can't imagine why anyone would buy this game but if they wanted to do so it will cost them $30 for the frustrating pleasure. Had I not gotten it included for free I probably wouldn't have given it a second look.

Now the game isn't bad per se, it's just a genre that I have played in several other titles which seems as though your movements in the game are meant to coincide with the soundtrack that is playing while you are moving around and shooting at things. It's called a "music rail-shooter game" and I guess that sums it up about as well as any other short description is going to.

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You fly around shooting at things to the beat of the music. You don't have to hit things at exactly when the snare drum hits but I guess it makes more sense as far as the song is concerned if you do. When Tetris surprisingly caught my interest on PS4 there was a similar sort of game mechanic involved and I will admit, in that game at least, that it was a good concept. It might be a good concept for someone as far as this game is concerned as well but that person simply isn't me.

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For me, after I think it was 2 levels of rather repetitive gameplay, I felt like that lady in Happy Gilmore after being told that arts and crafts time has been extended by 4 hours.

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That's really all that you do as whatever the heck you are meant to be in this game, you just fly around and hit a couple of buttons hopefully in time with the music. If you don't do it in time with the music I guess less happens or you get a lower score but you still progress in the game. I don't even know if you can fail, I stopped playing out of a sense of boredom after just a few levels.

Unbeknownst to me, this is actually a reboot of a game that came out on a bunch of platforms but most notably the PS2. That one slid right by me just like it did most anyone else because they only managed to sell about 100,000 of them worldwide. It received pretty fantastic reviews for that time period because there wasn't much of anything like it in existence I guess. I don't know for sure but I know that it completely flew right by me kind of like I flew by most of the ancillary enemies in the game that were not a requirement for you to shoot down.

The idea was to find some game to hold my interest during periods of time between gaming Astro-Bot, which I really enjoy but just like any platformer, it can't really hold my interest with its story because it doesn't really have one. Rez, which doesn't even indicate any story at all certainly didn't fill that void.

I think that the idea behind this game was a novel idea in 2001 when it was first released but with today's programming power it is a bit too weak to really hold anyone's interest for very long. I think watching someone else's YT video of them playing it would probably be just as entertaining as actually playing it. You also wont wear out the X button on your controller since that is basically the only one that is used.

I got a kick out of watching that. It's only 9 minutes long but feels like an eternity.

Nice work on the people who came up with this very creative idea but I'm afraid it just doesn't at all hold my interest and really, it simply isn't good enough for today's gaming environment. If you disagree with me bring it on I guess. I just cant imagine anyone getting all that excited about this sort of thing.

The search continues!