
I always skip breakfast...

A lot of people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and I honestly couldn't disagree more.

If I have a good breakfast I feel slugish and tired the rest of the day, makes me lose my edge.

I always skip it... or to be more specific, I don't eat food and just drink a big black coffee, no milk no sugar.

This always gets me ready for the day with energy and motivation.

Some years back I researched this. When you wake up your body is primed for using fat as fuel, and to go and hunt, if you give your body some sugar straight away it stops that fat burning state and the sugar/insulin makes you slugish.

Coffee doesn't do this...

Coffee even increases the fat burning by increasing heart rate, and makes your fat cells release more fat to be burned as fuel.

I normally couple this with some L-carnitine supplementation. L-carntine basically takes the fat to the fat burner.

#mydiary #nutrition #bodybuilding

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Omega 3 is a very important supplement, especially for kids!

Most people don't know this story but some decades ago there was a clear reduction in the brain function of kids and nobody knew why it was happening...

Turns out, the reduction in brain function was caused by the fact that some kids that had mothers that weren't producing enough milk started drinking cow and goat milk and these milks didn't have enough omega 3 in them.

When they realized omega 3 was really important for developing brains, kids started taking omega 3 straight from bottles in spoons, and now all the formulas for babies have omega 3 because people realized this.

#mydiary #sports #nutrition #bodybuilding

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#meat is as and even more #healthy than many fruits and veggies. Here's how it stacks up against a few of the top #superfoods. #meme #healthmeme #nutrition


Did you know that? Very few of us are getting the variety we truly need to be healthy. #meme #healthmeme #nutrition #health #food #plants #foodie


Looks like #animal based #foods are the way to go, hands down. #blueberries and #kale are considered #superfoods. #nutrition