

avatar of @guurry123
2 min read

Hello all @splinterlands lover and Hive friends

Hope everything is good at your end.

Few days back I have shared a post on gladius cards. The bloodlust is really a killing ability if triggered. I have checked the status of new cards and decided to upgrade some of them. In my list the first name comes is IMPERIAL KNIGHT. I am using TYRUS PALADIUM summoner from the Life Splinter. TYRUS summoner in my collection is already level 4 rare which means it can summon level 5 common monsters. Guess what - at level 5 IMPERIAL KNIGHT unlocked the Heal ability.

Lest's see the stats of the cards.

The card is high mana card and cost 7 mana to summon in battle. At level1 the card has 2 melee attack, 1 speed, 6 shield and 7 health/life along with Void Armor ability which means the magic attack can not hit directly on health the magic attack need to be go though the armor first. So you can say that the card has 13 health for most of the rule sets. Card is bit slow but useful in reverse rule set.

I am upgrading the card to level 5 , need 60 1bcx cards to upgrade. I am holding 61 copies so combined 60 to convert to the level 5 cards.

At level the update stats are - 3 melee attack, 2 speed, 6 armor and 8 health. Along with Void Armor now it also got the Heal ability, which make it candidate for first position or tank position.

I wan to compare the card with SACRED UNICORN which is Legendary card from Beta reward series. The card also cost 7 mana and has the Heal ability but don't have any Armor. I used this crad in some of the battles but to be honest don't get expected results.

I love to use the IMPERIAL KNIGHT with VENARI CRYSTALSMITH and DIVINE HEALER. Both the card has the Tank healing ability and will make the IMPERIAL KNIGHT to recharge the health more rapidly.

I am excited to use the card in battles and to show the results with you all. Hope the card will perform ass expected.

I have some GF legendary cards spare and I wanna rent them out. If you are intrested in renting those cards for long term please feel free to contact me by commenting on this post.

What are your views let me know in comment section.

Happy Battling.

See you in field.

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